Answer Keys of Snmptn 2011 TPA Code 752

| Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Local Public Relations Committee Chairman (Panlok) National Selection Sign Bandung State University (SNMPTN) Weny widyowati guarantee, no jockey SNMPTN on the implementation of the first day of the exam in Bandung and the surrounding region.

"Until the evaluation meeting last night, we did not find any jockey SNMPTN. notifications regarding indications of the jockey did exist, but we did not find,"said Wenny are contacted via telephone by the Legal, Wednesday (01/06/2011).

Women are also PR Padjadjaran University (Padjadjaran University), Bandung was admitted often get a short message containing a warning that there SNMPTN jockey. However, the committee remains vigilant in the event of such things.

Wenny mentioned, the parties relating to fraud in the form of a jockey shall be given sanctions because it is a serious breach of etiquette education.

"For participants who use the services of a jockey, his name can be crossed out and not considered to qualify despite passing SNMPTN," Weny mengimbuhkan.

As for the jockey service providers can be processed through legal channels as it is considered close to criminal.

Indications of fraud was not there, one form of a photograph of participants who are not in accordance with the provisions. "Any participant who claims his picture is different with the attached list of attendees. Having reviewed negligence was only participant in the process of registration," said Weny.

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1 comment:

Satria Adi Prabowo said...

Cba jawaban ini sdh ada di waktu ujian...

Pembahasan soal ini ada gax,,,???klo cman ada jwaban'y aja gx bsa di bahas.

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