Indonesia Language Solutions Drill of UN SMA Paket 6 Bahasa

| Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Indonesian language or Bahasa Indonesia is the official national language of Indonesia. It is known as a language that uses agglutination or the process of adding affixes to the base word. This means most of the words in the language are formed by joining different words together. This beautiful language is based on one version of the classical Malay of the Riau-Johor Sultanate.
The Indonesian language was first proclaimed as the official language of the country of Indonesia because of the declaration of Indonesian independence in the year 1945 and is currently spoken by almost all of Indonesia's two hundred forty million inhabitants, making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the whole world. The Indonesian language as a modern dialect of Malay has borrowed a great deal of its words and pronunciation from many languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Persian, Portuguese, Sanskrit and many other languages. This makes it a truly fascinating and magnificent language to learn.

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