Drill Solutions of Math UN SMA Keagamaan Paket 2

| Saturday, February 19, 2011

To become a successful math teacher:
1. You must LOVE math. 2. You must LOVE kids. For the age you have chosen (elementary, middle school, or high school), you must love them even when they aren't being particularly lovable; and they need to be able to tell that you love them. 3. You must learn from your mistakes. You will make many mistakes, but treat each mistake as the learning experience it is. You are unlikely to make too many math mistakes, but you are very likely to put your foot in your mouth. Be honest with your students and apologize. 4. You must learn to build a good rapport with both students and parents. This is not always easy to do with parents because they often have their own negative feelings about school. But, parents must become your partners in educating their children. Always treat both parents and students with the utmost respect. Never, never, never make a student feel humiliated. Students generally will make you sorry if you have embarrassed someone, put someone on the spot, or in any way been unfair. If you have a tendency to use sarcasm, stop right now. Always remember that you are NOT their peer-you are their teacher.

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