Drill Solutions of Japanese UN SMA Paket 1A

| Saturday, February 19, 2011

Remember to learn to speak in Japanese, there is no substitute for actually speaking it, listening to make sure it is correct, and practicing whenever and wherever possible.
Recently, Federal Reserve chairman Ben S. Bernanke told a Senate panel on Capitol Hill that bolstering the performance of the health care system is one of the biggest challenges facing this country. According to Mr. Bernanke, aging baby boomers and rising sickness costs must be addressed by offering improved access to medical care, better quality of care and, of course, finding a way to lower the costs of care. Nothing was said about the need for aging boomers and others to get more exercise, choose better diets or shape more supportive environments. In short, he offered no recommendations whereby Americans might be more likely to stay well in the first place. Instead, Mr. Bernanke urged Congress to adopt an eclectic approach to controlling medical costs.

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